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Tempting Canvases

                   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ˓ᶨLa granița · ९ụf̣ḷẹṭẹḷọṛ · noastre,
                  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤdoarme mort de beat sfârșitul lumii.˒ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ┌──── ─ ─ • • • • • • • •ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤYou taught me how to survive that day,” he said. “You taught
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ me how to be strong and how to get to the next minute. And
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ│꒰⇢ It took me years to realiseㅤㅤthe next and the next. I could never forget, and when you ca
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ│꒰⇢ that he had not been bornㅤㅤme back in high school, and I had changed into this, cause I
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ│꒰⇢ like that. He’d been cultivaㅤㅤhad seen so much shit,” he went on, “and my desires had mo
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ│꒰⇢ ted and nurtured by a careㅤㅤrphed into something ugly and twisted, but I’d fucking survi
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ│꒰⇢ ful hand and a bitter heart.ㅤㅤved, nonetheless, and didn’t swallow the bad for anyone a-
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ│✧.*ೃ༄ ㅤㅤC̣ọṃịṇg̣ ọf̣ Ạg̣ẹ. ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ㅤㅤnymore, because you had taught me how to get a rid of the
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ└─────────── ─ ─ • • •ㅤㅤㅤㅤshit. I finally craved one more thing I realized had been miss-
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤing when I laid eyes on you again. ˗ ˏ ˋ ˓crawlingback2me˒[...]ልug2͎0͎2͎4̟ ˎ ˊ ˗ ♡ PenelopeD, K̲i̲l̲l̲ S̲w̲i̲t̲c̲h̲.
                     ˓ᕼọṇg̣ᒍọṣḥụạ˒ │෴│ ℭḥ͘ạ͘ḷ͘ḷ͘ẹ͘ṇ͘g̣͘ẹ͘.
づ 29ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 29ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 30ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 30ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 31ˢᵗ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 31ˢᵗ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 1ˢᵗ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 1ˢᵗ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 2ᶰᵈ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 2ᶰᵈ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 3ʳᵈ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 3ʳᵈ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 4ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 4ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 5ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 5ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 6ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 6ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 7ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 7ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 8ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 8ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 9ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.
づ 9ᵗʰ❜  ˓ℋong♥ℐoshua➲ᵒʰ໓ạṛḷịṇg̣.

Comentarii album • 4
crawlingback2me 15 septembrie 2024  
he's gorgeous and he knows it!!!
QueenCyrusx 3 august 2024  
Dear, Rhys (...) m-am topit nu altaaa...
Încă un challange care o să ajungă la 42 de pagini? Evident!♥
Baftă, princesa! <33
crawlingback2me 3 august 2024  
he said he's giving all of these to you: ♥♥♥♥♥
să sperăm că reușesc să-l aduc acolo, we'll see!!
mulțumesc mult, babie! <3<3<3<3
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